Glowing Reports
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- "You lit my day up, and I thank you for that. Your demeanor and your interest have left an impression on me. It's not often that we get the chance to be enveloped by wonder and a calming peace all at once. I'm realizing it's been a little while since I've had the sort of discussion we touched on, and I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for waking me up, so that I can dream once more."
Matt Shay, Nova Scotia, Canada
- "Amara is one of the best business coaches I have ever worked with. She immediately grasped the essential nature of my project and quickly delivered an excellent social media marketing plan as well as compelling marketing copy. In the bargain she also provided insightful strategic business advice. She has a positive, collaborative approach and is an absolute pleasure to work with. She is now my go-to person for social media and business coaching."
Dane Christensen, San Jose, California
- "Hello Amara, I appreciate your newsletter and your work very much; I have learned a lot through reading and listening to your words and links to other teachers. Thank you!"
Ariane Brena, Saxony, Germany
- "You're an amazing elixir weaving words, stirring and distilling messages, and presenting with gusto 'the meal'.
We're looking forward to having you help us get even more grounded and facile in the tasks we need to accomplish in order to have the best online presence possible."
Ronnie McCullough and Kathryn Heflin, Divine Style Makeovers, Sebastopol, California
- "I just read your newsletter and all I can say is WOW! The way you write is amazing. What a blessing to read your article this morning. It shall stay with me long after this day is done. Thank you for sharing your gift with everyone. It is fuel for the mind and joy for the heart."
Holly Hallowell, Westminster, Colorado
- "Thanks so much for your newsletter this month, and last month too. Both gave me strength to continue forward on this shifting path and also gave me validation of the energies that we were being bombarded with. I feel that I am riding this wave most of the time, as opposed to being pummelled to the ground. And your newsletters showed me this. Thank you!"
Heather Funnell, Holland
- "You are such a blessing. Have been following you for years and am very glad to say that you have always enlightened me by your writings. Thank you for everything you do. You are truly a gift to us all."
April Good, Creve Coeur, Missouri
- "You are a wondrous storyteller and an insightful being here on Earth, and I am glad to be associated with you! Really enjoying your stories today (in What Shines/April 2013). Thank you beautiful Amara Rose!"
Saleena Ki, Boonville, Tennessee
- "I came across your CD in the mid-2000s and always re-listen when I'm going through transformation! Your CD helped me through some major transitions - I love the little songs that spontaneously came to you. I just love recognizing that inherent wisdom of the body!"
Jess Shaw-Pascoe, Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania
- "Before I initiated a coaching relationship with you, my life sort of 'fell apart' and I was in survival mode for some time. In some ways I feel that I am only now re-surfacing from it! Through it all, your words always spoke to me and supported my process of healing and discovery. With appreciation for your many gifts..."
Andrea Eads, Moss Beach, California
- "Reading your piece Learning to Live My Light, I am humbled by your transparency and unpretentious sharing. I love your wide reading, references to other spiritual teachers, and your fluid use of wordplay. You show readers that every journey is a meaningful one and guide us to our own inner Light. Amara, you are the Light."
Noelle Sterne, author, Trust Your Life: Forgive Yourself and Go After Your Dreams
- "I found Amara's website when I was looking for a coach who could help me revive my real estate business AND integrate my recent spiritual growth into it. After working for the first month with Amara, I have to say she delivers both spiritually and practically. My business is now booming in this slow economy, and it's booming in a way that is perfect for me. If you're ready to live your light, I highly recommend Amara as your guide for the journey. She's the real deal!"
Greg Bartell, Seattle, Washington
- "An article you wrote back in 2000 about your waking up was such a light for me when I was struggling with my job, my life, etc. Thanks for being such a Standard and Living Your Light! I often forward your newsletter to friends. You are such a bright light of inspiration!
Tammi O'Rielly, Lake Country, B.C., Canada
- "I just loved this article! (What Shines/December 2010). I get so many newsletters and articles, perhaps it was the Star Trek (my fave) reference that drew me to read this one - but it was just what I needed. Thank you for being the messenger. I am a 50-something ex-pat living in Barcelona, after a classic 'emptying of the bowl' two years ago.
I think the thing I miss most here is having a solid spiritual community. So, I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the article, and that it gave me such a lift - the power of words, of connection, of sharing - our arms and pens have stretched 5,000 miles to the other side of the planet, and I send you 'un abrazo muy, muy fuerte' (a big, big hug)."
Donna Starr, Barcelona, Spain
- "I have experienced some powerful changes in the short time I've known you. I feel like I'm getting closer to finding my 'voice' and my true purpose, and I'll always be grateful for your contributions to my conscious evolution."
Erik Bergrud, Kansas City, Missouri
- "For years I've received Amara's newsletter, What Shines, and every time I received it I was excited 'cause I always loved the fullness of her newsletter, just pure joy from everything I read. I so resonated with Amara and would always look at the little sidebar that talked about her coaching and wonder ...
So taking the bull by the horns this year, having struggled with my career ever since I left school, I plunged in and contacted Amara. And what a wonderful connection we made. It was as if two old souls that hadn't seen each other in a long time had reconnected; it was fabulous. I so looked forward to every call. It was great even with me being in Australia and Amara in the States, the time was perfectly organised and I got so much from every connection with her.
Please give yourself the gift of connecting with Amara through coaching, she has such a wealth of knowledge, is so supportive, caring and can see through the issues that come up in coaching ... you will be better than you were before you met her! A wonderful guide, seeker, woman and friend. Thank you for everything, Amara."
Lisa Sutherland-Fraser, Melbourne, Australia
- "Sometime last October I read Plumbing the Depths in your Practical Spirituality column. And we spoke and you were/are wonderful. I was overwhelmed and sick with a head cold. And I couldn't understand why. I'm a healthy one.
But I remembered these words from you. "Traveling light into the Light requires a lot less fuel. The trees will thank you, as will the people with whom you'll relate in a whole new way. It's ecologically sound, all the way around!"
That was my answer. I love being in the city, but I needed more trees. I could think of only one place that would satisfy both needs - a building where I once lived. And the very unit that I imagined came to me within a month. Best of all, it had been lived in by a woman whom I knew and she simply exuded order, beauty, and good karma.
So I am here - in downtown Boston - tons of trees in front of me - the Charles River - yes separated by four lanes of traffic, but they are the travelers and I am simply here - feeling peaceful and grounded.
You are a blessing."
Rita Esposito, former Love and Marriage Examiner for Examiner.com
- "To be honest I did not understand you in the beginning. It seems as though your words are coming in clearer. Not because they were not clear to begin with, I just never read them with an open heart until now. I have had some changes in my life that have altered my way of thinking. We all seem to cross paths for a reason and it is how we accept those reasons that will determine if we receive the messages that are meant for us.
I know that our destiny is coming upon us fast and furious. I smile because I truly know there is someone out there like yourself that is working to prepare others for the times to come.
Bless you from deep within my heart and thank you for being such a wonderful person who took the time to meet a lost soul like myself. Cannot explain what transpired these last few days, only that my vision is clearer because of you."
Jesus Gonzalez, Chicago, Illinois
- "Amara ... You are brilliant. It is so obvious as I read each of your e-mail newsletters. Not only that: Your generosity of Spirit is sensational. So much given in a gift of your soul. And you have experienced what the rest of the world is about to enter - the time of simplification, although in most cases involuntarily. You are indeed a forerunner. No other newsletter or e-mail I receive is as rich with texture and meaningful content as yours (and I get a lot). Thank you, dear heart, for all you do. You are indeed one of the ones who were given the mandate of announcing and living the New Age!"
Kathleen Jacoby, author
- "Your writing is poetry, the essence of your soul's song!
Thank you deeply for being the cosmic midwife and sacred worldbridger, bringing multiple traditions, disciplines and visionaries together through your gift!"
Akasa Tseng, shamanic sound ceremonialist, Los Angeles, California
- "It's been a shining year, with the addition of your light. Late February/March I remember as rather dicey - your Nomad story, followed by monthly 'What Shines', was so timely and sustaining. I receive swarms of all manner of stuff about these times, channeled writings that now sound like old gobbledygook. But I consistently resonate with What Shines."
Jacqui Hoag, Orcas Island, Washington
- "I have had a few magical moments recently ... one being the appearance of a beautiful cottontail rabbit in my backyard. I find it a bit more difficult to commune with nature in the winter so this was a great gift. I just saw this sweet bunny a few minutes ago and wondered, hmmmm, where will this moment of magic take me. And then I received your email (What Shines/January 2008). I cannot adequately describe in words how your reference to The Velveteen Rabbit story softened my heart and elevated my spirit. Thank you so much, your newsletters are gold."
Eileen Balint, Canada
- "Your writing moves me. Makes me feel safe and quiet ... it is divine ... I want to read more and more ... I want to hear your stories. Your words are very healing. I asked Spirit to guide me to a writer in SF ... I found you."
Joy Mckinney, Atlanta, Georgia
- "I just stumbled across your article Ten Steps to Personal Transformation not by accident, of course. I am a seeker of such things right now. But I found it one of the most helpful and inspiring things I've read along those lines. It had an instant impact on me. I immediately took a long deferred action great!"
Matthew, Ireland
- "Amara Rose is one of the most insightful, brilliant, synergistic thinkers I've ever read/known."
Susan Schwartz, San Mateo, California
- "I wanted to let you know I did a very meaningful ritual as part of going through the Inanna Initiations. I had a square paper sign you get at the ferry here to put on your dash, that says PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSON in big black letters. Talk about labelling! Anyway, after my trip last summer I just never bothered taking it off my dash and throwing it away. There's purpose to everything, of course, even apparent laziness. To go through Gate 1 and strip away identity, I chose to release my (negative) identity as a person with a disability. I remembered the sign, got it, tied it to a rock from my garden, drove down to the pier and after a goodbye wish, threw it into the ocean. The wind was blowing in my face and the warm orange sun was lowering in the sky. It was perfect and I did feel all the life energy around me was joyously partaking in it, too. Fabulous!
By the way, your Live Your Light bumper sticker adorns my van. It was a christening for it when I got it almost brand new in July 06. The colours match perfectly, and as I wait at a light or in traffic, I often wonder if the person behind me is reading it and contemplating what it means to them. Who knows whose life it might change.
I must tell you how much hope for the future your words inspire in me. It is so clear you see nothing but good...the joy dances off my computer screen. This has been like soul food to me on my own journey of becoming aware, and excavating my spirit out of all the chaos and drama that had crusted onto it over the years. Sort of like exfoliation - one looks much more radiant after a scrub!"
Sally Scott, M.A., R.C.C., North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
- "This newsletter (What Shines/July 2007) is like a lifesaver being thrown to me in the midst of great watery turbulence of deep space waves...I could not recognize myself these past few weeks...I have been crying off and on for about 2 weeks, whoa, then sinus infection for 11 days just beginning to clear. I went to the related links and got the BIGger data dump...very good to flesh things out a bit more.
I am moving within 30 days...I feel more confident in myself and moving in the 3D reality AFTER reading your newsletter and checking out possible effects on the inner human terrain by cosmic waves...I am much more at home now in the present moment, feel delivered back to the heart. Going to experiment with Holon of Balance...been reclaiming my power, too...much love and appreciation for u and to u."
Sandra, Encinitas, California
- "Extraordinary post (What Shines/September 2006), which arrives at a most serendipitous moment, when I am just discovering the links between alchemy, tao and tantra; the Goddess, the Inspirer and the Earth. Do keep up your truly inspiring energy radiation!"
Christophe Horvath, Jakarta, Indonesia
- "I am thankful for the words you offer each month. I often, perhaps always, find them wonderfully synchronistic with my thoughts and musings. These coincidences manage to deepen my acceptance of the awe-inspiring perfection of our Reality."
Andrew Wohlsen, Prescott College student, Prescott, Arizona
- "Amara provided me with a unique insight into myself. Even in the first session, I could sense the change. As an individual with a disability, I had difficulty making sure my needs were met, which can be extremely important. Amara helped me to put myself first with my mother and sisters, something I had rarely done in the past.
"She also freed me to seek out and actually act on my dreams. They are no longer dreams but reality. Thank you for all your help, support and love."
Jeannine Hoffmann, St. Charles, Missouri
- "I feel so much gratitude for your support. You really, literally, brought Light back, where I felt darkness aroundand, worsein me! Grazie di cuore!"
Maria Felzer, Italy
- "Thank you so much! You know, you're one of those rare authors, whose words always inspire me, and help me gain new insights. Ever since I 'found' you, I've always been looking forward to the beginning of a new month because of your ezine. And I follow your blog. It's interesting ... I'm used to living some kind of a hermit and 'solitary thinker' way of life, and I'm not a part of any group (spiritual, religious etc.); but this morning (probably for the first time in my life) I had a feeling that I'm supposed to connect myself with the gathering you're attending."
Jasna Kamin, Koper, Slovenia
- "I just wanted to say hi and to let you know how much I've enjoyed reading your "What Shines" newsletters. I love your writing style and the profoundly simple and/or simply profound things you have to say!
Serena Goldsmith, Solana Beach, California
- "The past two years have been extremely difficult for me...So, thank you again for this gift. This message. This blessing. Strangely, I feel more confident than I've felt in a very long time. I finally feel things are about to fall into place. I'm not afraid anymore.
"Why is that suddenly? I'm not sure, but some of it seems to coincide with my connection with you. Perhaps you are the angel I needed."
Karon Aghotte, author, California
- "Do you know how it feels to know the world as a soft and friendly place? To know that all you need will be provided? To be filled with curiosity and wonder? To be alive with creative energy? I do. But it wasn't always that way. All my life I looked at the world as a harsh and scary place. I lived with fear and worry as my constant companions. I knew things had to change for me. That was when I was led to Amara. It was one of those synchronistic happenings that reminded me help is always available. I reached out one day and there she was. It was time. I was overdue. And appropriately enough, she called herself a midwife. How perfect. I knew then I was about to give birth.
"What a magical time! It was labor that took me on a spiritual journey into the unknown. Scary and full of doubt at times, I needed my midwife to encourage and support my efforts. She was patient and supportive while allowing me to do the work. She knew my fears as her fears before me. And as my new life emerged, she was there to share in the joy and wonder. I will forever be changed by the moment in time I spent with Amara. She touched me, lifted me up and changed my life forever."
Kathy Armstrong, Texas
- "Our session yesterday was a real investment in myself, as well as in the higher consciousness of the world. The most significant moment was when you asked me, 'What is your work?' The irony was tremendous for me ... here I had been looking for a job for over two years, literally visiting newspapers all over the country, and your question totally stumped me. What was my work? The question came as a breath of fresh air in my already congested life.
"Your work is so different from what one might normally encounter. I've never heard of anything that even comes close to this concept of 'spiritual midwifery'. You really helped me to relax around my evolving spirituality and deepen my faith in the evolving spirituality of the world. Wow."
Molly Hartle, San Francisco, California
- "It's only seven thirty a.m. here in Hackensack and I haven't even had my orange juice and coffee, but I have already had my share of spiritual nourishment for the day."
Ellie Fleischman, age 92, Hackensack, NJ
- "Thank you so much for all of your very helpful suggestions. I particularly like the 200 benefits one. That makes a lot of sense to me. I also love what you say about sitting in the silence and observing what words most sing to my essence.
"God bless you!"
Anne Naylor, France
- "I was wandering through portals of human spirit in search of intuitive insight and knowledge when I came upon your creative gift. You have a wonderful website. I found it a temple in cyberspace cradled by Love's Light. Thank you for sharing your banquet of food for the soul. Your pages are wise and generous, a cleansing wind of pure harmony. May you always live in an atmosphere of well being, joy and contentment.
Micheal Teal, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- "I so needed some inspiration. Thank you so much for your written word. I will hold dearly onto those messages you have written to guide me now, as I feel a critical change in the way I live my life. I have turned off the TV and will walk my own way and seek my own truth from within for I have found the outer world full of deception. Bless you for your work."
Barbara Ramsey, Santa Rosa, California
- "Thank you, Amara! I always love getting your monthly What Shines newsletter. Your messages always seem to be in perfect alignment with what I am looking at in my life, or going through."
Patricia Sage Wells, Laguna Beach, California
- "Your site is always an inspiration and a joy."
Zoe Trouveres, Bath, England
- "Namaste, Amara. I must say that your website is wonderful and seeing your picture I could sense the love and light coming from it. I live in Mumbai, India and am into healing and lightwork since 1996. I am also into meditation and self development.
We recently celebrated Divali which is called the Festival of Lights and is celebrated in memory of the victory of light over darkness. There is a beautiful prayer to the Divine Mother or Adi Shakti'Lead me from the unreal to the reality, lead me from darkness to light, lead me from mortality to immortality.'
I wish you all the best in life and work. Love, light and healing."
Amitesh, Mumbai, India
- "Amara is like a seasoned tour guide leading you through the annals of your life with her version of a flashlight/laser pen, enlightening you to your latent talents and skills as well as areas of challenge that you might have shied away from. Her enthusiasm for you brings a renewed smile to your face. And isn't that what it's all about? To face the world smiling again. It's well worth the trip!"
Eileen Bray, M.S., M.A., multidimensional sound healer, Hawaii
- "I just love the newsletter! You are such a gifted communicator...I'm always amazed how the message seems to fit so well in my life. Few could take the Zen of a good solid root clog and turn it into a powerful life message. Such a gift."
Jim Pelley, founder, Laughter Works Seminars
- "I love your consciousness/outlook and your writing! I feel you are a spiritual pioneer in the sense that you KNOW what the 'dark night' looks and feels like, and you KNOW what emerges out of that. That takes pioneeringdaringcourage of the highest order!"
Ann Barczay Sloan, M.A., author/editor/creative writing coach
- "You made a profound difference in my life...you really touched the spiritual side of me, and I realize that I need to explore and spend more time with that part of me. I especially liked your description of getting me to 'color outside the lines'this was perfect.
"You did give me concrete steps to carry out which I did, and I am so grateful forwhich told me that you could motivate me to act. Importantly, amazingly, I carried out my ritual to say goodbye to (my partner). I think I had repressed a lot of sorrow about our parting and the ritual enabled me to really touch my sadness. Thank you for being such a wise soul. The ritual was very cleansing. I have felt a little lighter ever since I did it.
"You have great gifts, I can see that. I think you are a wonderful coach."
Barbara, Washington, D.C.
- "I've just finished reading the two emails you wrote since 9/11 and your first What Shines newsletter. Your words feel like home...they feel like fresh air and cozy warmth...all at the same time. Not surprising, but your philosophies surrounding recent world events touched me deeply. You have a wonderful gift for articulating a profound and truthful spiritual vision. Thank you for sharing them with me. I look forward to passing them on."
Amanda Van Dyke, California
- "Here is the essence of what I have come to understand. 'Love the source of Love deep within your heart, and you will find God and Love and your true Self all in the same place at the same time. For our hearts and God's heart are One.'
"Thanks for initiating and assisting me in this simple yet 'oh so profound' awareness. May you continue to receive the infinite blessings of 'the way of the heart.'"
Peter Owens, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- "Thank you for the great articles and the CD. I'm really struck by your wisdom, joy, sincerity, and deep commitment to wholeness and healing and personal transformation. Your written words are very clear and sparkling. And tonight, as I listened to some of the CD and felt the energy and love and peacefulness coming from you, I realize that you really are a wonderful spiritual teacher...I think you are like a spirit guide and a mirror. And I really appreciate people like that!"
Gary Shapiro, Montpelier, Vermont
- "This is cool what you do. As a computer guy, I'm probably about as far removed from this as you can get. Or so one would think...If everyone who reads your newsletter feels and acts the same way, the world will be a slightly better place. Reminds me of the movie 'Pay It Forward.'"
Scot Finnie, Connecticut
- "Finding your web site tonight has given me a sense of peace. I am deep into my own spiritual journey and am so awed to uncover people like yourself who have been lighting the way for others, unbeknownst to me! What a gift you are giving. Thank you so much for being you."
(Ms.) Daryl Clarke, Ontario, Canada
- "Thank you for helping me write my personal mission statement! It feels wonderful to have my heartfelt goals stated in precise words that I can refer to. I find it keeps me on task and helps me focus my energy towards the manifestation of my dream."
Michele Mattix, writer, Page, Arizona
- "Thank you for writing so well what you've been through...how well you've described the process I've been in. Your article continues to be a comfort (because) it's been such a lonely period."
Salena, New Mexico
- "Before going to sleep at night I often listen to a tape. Tonight I chose yours. I've just finished a game of Solitaire on the computer and I wanted to share what happened.
"When I call up a game of Solitaire I usually delete it if it has too many of the same number on the cards. But this time it came up with several sixes (and with the words of your tape in my mind, I was in a receptive mood to notice what was coming up). In my dream book the number six is listed as spiritual so I decided to keep the game and play it. I won. As I was finishing up the game, I received the words: 'See, if you play your cards right you'll always come out a winner.'
"I just wanted to validate you for staying on your path and for doing the tape and spreading your love around. Blessings!"
Donna, California
Read more Radiant Reviews of Amara's CD, "What You Need To Know Now-A Road Map for Personal Transformation." And learn what audiences say about her visionary Presentations, as well as the transformative results she generates for clients via Business Alchemy. |