December 2024, Issue #279    

"Is there a method in the madness?
A reason for the breakdown
Can there be joy in the sadness?
Can I turn it around?
I've got to find a little purpose
And a reason why
There is a method in the madness
Of my life."

~ lyrics from Method in the Madness by Sisters

The Tao of Now: Message in the Madness

Last month, I wrote, "Seeing our 'normal' behaviors from an alien perspective is a powerful reminder of the possibility of instant and total change."

In this moment, people around the globe are polarized - in some cases pulverized - by the U.S. election results. What the current president-elect is creating seems to be definitively alien. But/and, could it possibly lead us in the direction we need to go?


Mercury is retrograde (Nov 25 - Dec 15, 2024). Time to re-re-re-re, as Aretha sang. Many are singing, "Resist." Poet/author/songwriter Leonard Cohen proffered some prophetic guidance around anger and resistance.

Let's consider ("with the stars") how we might reimagine, release, reclaim, respect, reconnect, reframe...

Mass awakening is messy and necessary

How do you handle a world waking up en masse, with 8.2 billion souls at various stages of evolution?

With kid gloves.

When I emerged from the cocoon of my awakening, I wore this awareness like new shoes. It pinched my consciousness at every turn. I had a difficult time gauging...pretty much everything. An intuitive called me into council with her and demanded, "Where's your discernment?"

Jim Self explains that discernment must come at the end of the awakening process, because we need a platform of stability before we can begin to live from observation and sacred choice. When that question was thrown at me mere weeks after stepping back into my regularly scheduled life, I was a fawn on wobbly legs. It took time to construct a new, solid platform.

Gene Keys creator Richard Rudd says discernment is the gift of the 13th Gene Key, Listening Through Love. "Discernment emerges as your emotional nature comes more and more into awareness. As you realize how deeply in the thrall of desire you are, you begin to understand the whole of humanity as well. Out of this incredible swelling of awareness arises the 13th Gift of Discernment.

"Discernment begins at an individual level as you come to see how deeply your view of others is connected to your feelings. Only when personal feelings are witnessed and examined can you begin to see things in a more objective manner. Over time, your personal agendas become more lucid and you reclaim the ability to listen to others and the world from a broader perspective."

Shadow dancing

The programming partner of the 13th Gene Key is Gene Key #7. It offers the Gift of Guidance - but its Shadow is Division, one of the main reasons humanity operates in hierarchies, segregating us along socioeconomic, racial, and political lines. This Shadow contains leadership and power, and, when its authoritarian aspect is expressed reactively, it becomes dictatorial.

In its highest expression, however, the 7th Gene Key demonstrates visionary, virtuous leadership that repairs the world.

Clearly, we're living a moment of clearing our collective shadow.

On her weekly radio show, visionary activist astrologer Caroline Casey frequently shares the tale of St. Patrick, who, upon being offered a cup of poison wine, "holds the wine up to the light, watches the poison rise to the top, blows the froth off and quaffs the drink, toasting all, including those who sought to poison him. Causing the elders to murmur, 'Ooh, a real initiate.' We've all been given a cup of poison the willingness to metabolize the poison - that's the ticket to the Infinite Game."

Watching with empath-eyes

Michael Lightweaver shares, "You have arrived at the beginning point of a new Era. You do not have any inkling of the depth or profundity of what is about to take place. The only thing we can tell you at this point is to live in a continual and complete state of surrender. There are things that will occur that you will not understand, but be assured it is all in divine order. Morning has arrived: the morning of a new day, the morning of a new Earth. This is the time of the fulfillment. A new Earth is emerging; one based on love, compassion, justice, freedom and equality."

Ariel Spilsbury puts it succinctly in her latest Mythic Lineage Transmission: "The minute you pour emotional energy into seeking safety/You are simultaneously calling in its opposite/When will you see that actually the only safety there is/Is Love?"

Aluna Joy concurs: "Humanity's only job in this intense and unique time is to anchor LOVE. LOVE supports unity, compassion, empathy, respect for all life, community, and peace. Trust that with LOVE, anything out of alignment with natural law and codes of creation will be upcycled and put right... at the right time... for the highest good of all. The Universe is naturally self-leveling. LOVE accelerates this balancing. You are in this leveling process now."

Skydiving into the new

What we see in 3D is like a fun house mirror: a distortion of the real. Aluna says, "There is SO MUCH rarified, etheric support flowing from higher realms to lift you out of all the defending noise of the crumbling world and up into the realm of new higher frequencies and experiences. The higher realms have manifested a new foundation in this emerging future world. Many of your higher selves, in tandem with the Company of Heaven, the Ascended Masters, the Elohim, your guides, and the legions of Light, have built this foundation.

"This new world is your creation. Everything beyond this time will be original and indigenous to this new cycle. This new world has more freedom and fewer limitations, boundaries, or borders, but it also comes with more responsibilities. To enter this time, you must let go of all that is dissolving around you. It is not a time to fight or judge what still is. It is time to step into clean and clear new frequencies, allow all that is new within, and rise up with divine centeredness and profound congruency."

This is the message in the madness. To choose Love, listen from our soul, learn to discern, and trust, in our deepest being, that we, as a global collective, are being guided to our highest and best.

When we're able to see from 5D, it's pure Joy.

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Here are four under 300-character posts. Select one, copy and paste:

  1. This is the message in the madness. To choose Love, listen from our soul, learn to discern, and trust, in our deepest being, that we, as a global collective, are being guided to our highest and best. via

  2. When we're able to see from 5D, it's pure Joy. via

  3. What we see in 3D is like a fun house mirror: a distortion of the real. via

  4. How do you handle a world waking up en masse, with 8.2 billion souls at various stages of evolution? With kid gloves. via

Thank you! MWAH

Shine On

  • Pluto into Aquarius November 2024 - 2044: As Pluto enters Aquarius for a 20-year run, astrologer Pam Gregory says this is an excellent time to ask ourselves, "What does it mean to be human?" and "What and who are you becoming?" Pam says, "This is just the beginning of the power shifting to the people: Pluto power, Aquarius people. Much greater humanitarianism, much greater sense of equality across the world."

  • The New Human: Gene Keys creator Richard Rudd in conversation with master astrologer Pam Gregory, a confluence of two distinct yet resonant worldviews spontaneously woven together. Richard's embodied understanding of the profound inner changes we're undergoing at the genetic and spiritual level mirrors Pam's grasp of celestial geometries and their relevance to our individual and collective evolution. The focus is on Gene Key 55: the release code of the future human.

  • Read Life Accurately: How to Make the Right Decision Every Time & Read Energy: Intuitive guide Sonia Choquette explains how to navigate an uncertain and unpredictable world like we've never seen.

  • Healing Soul Loss in Times of Breakdown: Ariel Spilsbury offers this gift transmission. She says, "Imagination is the missing piece that we need to turn things around. Imagination is the living bridge that connects the realms of soul and our waking 3D ego life."

  • Lee Harris Energy Update for December: As we step into December, the energy is profound and transformative. Are you feeling the waves of upgrades, releases, or both at the same time? It's a potent period of letting go and receiving, often in dizzying tandem. This month is also a call to remember: People have the power. This is our time to rise, reclaim our energy, and move forward consciously.

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    Live Your Light
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    Suite G #124
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